Silver Star Motors
Double page spread in Age ‘Drive’. This campaign received the Mercedes-Benz Star Award for best marketing across all dealerships for the year.
Full page magazine ad for Outgames programme.
Double page spread ad in Popular Science magazine for smart with ECO stop/start technology.
Launch campaign for Maybach 57s.
Simonds Homes
‘Home time’ – 30 second brand TVC.
Awareness campaign for overseas travellers. Posters, press and website.
Victorian Government
‘Wangaratta’ – 45 second TVC for the State Government’s Regional Development Programme.
Victorian Government
‘Patties Pies’ – 45 second TVC for the State Government’s Regional Development Programme.
Magazine cover and campaign to introduce PBI remuneration cards to their market.
JP Dixon Toorak
Local press campaign to develop point of difference for specialist real estate company.
Outdoor poster to ‘illuminate the brand truth’ for a feminine pleasure gel.
Express Post
‘Helicopter’ – 15 second TVC to promote Express Post’s speed of delivery.
Silks at Crown
Print campaign to position Crown’s premium restaurants as market leaders.
Seiko Cleancut
‘Close Shave’ – 30 second TVC for Seiko’s feminine grooming aid. Directed by UBU Communications.